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What is Dark Web?
Dark web is basically a part of WWW (World Wide Web) that is not visible to search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo search, etc and requires some special browsers like TOR to access them. It can be defined as the part of internet that isn’t indexed by search engines. Often while hearing this term Dark Web the first thing that comes in our mind is criminal activities, buying and selling of drugs and guns, hiring hit-men,etc but dark web is so much more than that, by no doubt there is a lot of criminal activities going on there but Dark Web is not only about criminal activities there are lots of good forums too where people discuss their problems and find a solution to it.
People on dark web are generally very open to each other as they maintain anonymity however the chances of being scammed in Dark Web while buying and selling of goods and services still remains high. Dark web links are followed by .onion and are also called as onion links.
What can I find in Dark Web?
In dark web we can find anything and everything that you can think of. We can find anything from a cooking tutorial website to websites where we can buy and sell drugs and guns or even websites where we can hire hit-men. But in general we find things like:
E-commerce websites
We can find some E-commerce websites where buying and selling of things that are generally illegal and can’t be bough or sold publicly or in surface web like drugs, guns and other illegal stuffs takes place but not all dark web websites can be fully trusted most of the websites are made to fraud the costumers but most of them are frequently blocked by government.
Illegal Pornography
We can also find some porn videos that cannot be uploaded on surface web for legal reasons videos like child pornography and some taboo porn videos can be found here. Some people also trade such videos for bitcoin cash and it is really hard to believe but this is very big business and one of the most profitable businesses in dark web.
Hiring of Hackers/ Hit-men
We can also find some websites on dark web where we can hire a hackers for our personal use in exchange of bit-coins and also we can hire hit-men anonymously to kill someone in exchange of bit-coin cash. But like most of the dark web services most of these websites are also scamming and doesn’t do the assigned job even after getting the payment.
Red Rooms
It is believed that we can also find websites where people are tortured and it is live streamed in dark web and we can also command the torturer by paying some bit-coin cash. Some people think that Red Room is a myth as it is very risky and hard to live stream in dark web but some people claim that they have found some red rooms in dark web.
We can also find some normal blogging websites like found on surface web, they are no different than the blogs found on surface web however people still host them on dark web out of interest and to bypass copyright laws.
Social Media
We can also find some social media websites on dark web. But if you find one of this it is advise that you don’t provide your real information on these dark web social media websites as these websites can never be trusted.
These were some of the things that we can generally find in dark web.
Is accessing Dark Web illegal?
This is one of those questions that comes in mind of everyone who is curious about this topic as whenever we here this term all the illegal activities that happens here comes in our mind. But lucky for you just accessing dark web on its own is not illegal you can freely explore dark web without worrying about any legal issues but participating in any illegal activities which includes purchasing and selling of drugs , guns and hiring of hit-men might land you in legal trouble if you are not fully anonymized.
Should I access Dark Web?
Well, there is no problem in just accessing Dark Web on its own but it is advised not to participate in any monetary transaction as you might easily get scammed and also it is advised not to download any kind of file from dark web as it can contain some malware that can cause some serious damage to your files and their are possibilities that your computer might get infected by some ransomware or trojans.
How to access Dark Web?
Before accessing Dark Web there are few things that you must take into consideration.
- Anonymity : You should first be sure that your identity is completely hidden and you should not reveal any of your personal information online in Dark Web as it might get you into trouble.
- Online Transaction : You should never participate in any kind of online transaction as you might easily get scammed and won’t get the services that you had paid for.
- Downloading of files : You should never download any kind of files from dark web as the file might contain some kind of viruses that might infect your system and can cause some serious damage to your files.
Now that you have learnt the about the things that you should take into consideration before accessing the dark web here is how you can visit it.
You will first need to download a browser which is called TOR it is also known as the onion router as it allows you to access .onion links which cannot be accessed by any normal browsers and isn’t indexed in search engines. You can information about TOR and can download it from here.
Now that you have downloaded TOR in your computer you can simply access the dark web with a .onion link of your desired destination. It is advised that you should never run TOR in full screen mode as your IP might be revealed if you access any website on full screen.
Thank you for making it to the end of the article, here is a fun fact for you
Tor is called the onion router because just like how an onion has multiple layers one after another. Tor also has a layers of IP addresses one after another which gets changed frequently in order to protect your identity.